Many companies advertise with 100% tested goods or supposedly top quality. However, as an "upgrade partner" we know about the requirements of our customers. With our strict and precise finishing steps, Sealtech produces your optimal product!
If a C-part, e.g. an O-ring, fails due to surface damage (scratches, holes in the sealing surface, foreign body inclusion, etc.) or a material defect (e.g. mixture that is too soft or too hard), the cost of the replacement part is usually grossly disproportionate to the amount of work required to repair it; in addition, there are the costs of any downtime in work/production for the affected component and the damage to the customer's reputation.
We at Sealtech are therefore convinced that professional quality testing of seals - regardless of the price of an individual seal - is always worthwhile; the usually manageable additional costs of comprehensive quality assurance are usually more than compensated for by the increased reliability of the end product.
Do you want security and someone who looks very closely?Do not hesitate to contact us!